(This could be an XY Problem, so I'm providing some background information prior to the actual question.)
I currently have a function (not a template) that computes different hash types (CRC32, MD5, SHA1, etc.) The data comes from a provider that can only provide a pointer to a chunk of the data at a time. The function computes the hashes on chunks of data iteratively.
Advancing to the next chunk is a very costly operation (involves decompression) and it can only go forward. Also the architecture must be kept zero-copy. As a result, all the selected hashes must be computed at once while iterating on the same chunks of data. Hash type selection is done through bool
std::tuple<uint32_t, QByteArray, QByteArray, QByteArray>
computeHashes(DataProvider& data, bool do_crc, bool do_md5, bool do_sha1,
bool do_sha256);
If one of the flags is false
, the caller ignores the corresponding empty tuple element.
I am very unhappy with the above API. So I decided to write a cleaner looking function template. No boolean switches and no dummy tuple elements in the return value:
auto [crc, sha256] = computeHashes<Hash::CRC32, Hash::MD5>(data_provider);
I got the code mostly working, except for the last step where I need to actually return the results. This is trimmed down from the real code, and with only two hash functions in order to keep the example as short as possible:
enum class Hash { CRC32, MD5 };
template <HashType> struct Hasher
template<> struct Hasher<HashType::CRC32>
void addData(const char* data, int len);
uint32_t result() const;
template<> struct Hasher<HashType::MD5>
void addData(const char* data, int len);
QByteArray result() const;
template <HashType... hash_types>
auto computeHashes(DataProvider& provider)
std::tuple<Hasher<hash_types>...> hashers;
while (provider.hasMoreChunks()) {
auto [chunk, len] = provider.nextChunk();
std::apply([chunk, len](auto&... hasher)
{ (..., hasher.addData(chunk, len); },
return std::make_tuple( ??? );
I'm stuck at the last step: how do I return each result? A hard-coded return would look this:
return std::make_tuple(res, std::get<0>(hashers).result(),
This isn't suitable of course. How do I do this?
since std::apply
forwards returned values by decltype(auto)
you can just construct a tuple with std::apply
and return it.
This can be coalesced with your transformations into one call.
template <HashType... hash_types>
static auto computeHashes(DataProvider& provider)
return std::apply(
[&provider](auto&&... hashers) {
while (provider.hasMoreChunks())
auto [chunk, len] = provider.nextChunk();
(..., hashers.addData(chunk, len));
return std::make_tuple(std::move(hashers.result())...);