I'm loooking to retrieve the values for memSensorsTemperature and memSensorsHumidity from the Power-NET MIB. I'm not sure if If I need to call this whole thing twice or if there is a way with a single call just to weed out the specific OIDs that I need. It looks like it is doing some kind of nested look when I include both in one call.
There are 6 values in each OID call... so 6 temp and 6 hum readings.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from pysnmp.hlapi import *
result1 = bulkCmd(SnmpEngine(),
UdpTransportTarget(('xx.xx.xx.xx', 161)),
1, 6,
ObjectIdentity('PowerNet-MIB', 'memSensorsTemperature').addAsn1MibSource('http://mibs.snmplabs.com/asn1/@mib@')
ObjectIdentity('PowerNet-MIB', 'memSensorsHumidity').addAsn1MibSource('http://mibs.snmplabs.com/asn1/@mib@')
#errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next()
for errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds in result1:
if errorIndication:
elif errorStatus:
print('%s at %s' % (errorStatus.prettyPrint(),
errorIndex and varBinds[int(errorIndex) - 1][0] or '?'))
for varBind in varBinds:
print(' = '.join([x.prettyPrint() for x in varBind]))
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.1 = 16
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.1 = 81
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.2 = 56
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.1 = 81
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.3 = 16
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.1 = 81
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.4 = 41
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.1 = 81
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.5 = 46
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.1 = 81
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.6 = -1
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.2 = 80
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.6 = No more variables left in this MIB View
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.2 = 80
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.6 = No more variables left in this MIB View
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.2 = 80
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.6 = No more variables left in this MIB View
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.2 = 80
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.6 = No more variables left in this MIB View
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.2 = 80
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.6 = No more variables left in this MIB View
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsTemperature.0.2 = 80
PowerNet-MIB::memSensorsHumidity.0.6 = No more variables left in this MIB View```
You code seems almost right! You just need to set the nonRepeaters value to 0
instead of 1
. Because with 1
, your first object (memSensorsTemperature
) is not getting iterated through - it just re-reads the same table entry.
result1 = bulkCmd(SnmpEngine(),
UdpTransportTarget(('xx.xx.xx.xx', 161)),
0, 6, # get up to 6 follow-up OIDs per each requested OID
'PowerNet-MIB', 'memSensorsTemperature').addAsn1MibSource(
ObjectType(ObjectIdentity('PowerNet-MIB', 'memSensorsHumidity')),
The response will always be a 2-d table with 0 to 6 rows (depending on what's in response).
RFC1905 explains the semantics of nonRepeaters
The values of the non-repeaters and max-repetitions fields in the
request specify the processing requested. One variable binding in
the Response-PDU is requested for the first N variable bindings in
the request and M variable bindings are requested for each of the R
remaining variable bindings in the request. Consequently, the total
number of requested variable bindings communicated by the request is
given by N + (M * R), where N is the minimum of: a) the value of the
non-repeaters field in the request, and b) the number of variable
bindings in the request; M is the value of the max-repetitions field
in the request; and R is the maximum of: a) number of variable
bindings in the request - N, and b) zero.