I'm a newbie programming on ASP Classic and I'm trying to fill a Select with information from SQL Server tables, but I got trouble trying to separate two columns, I need put a column on Value side and the other one outside option just for display the name of the option.
I'm trying to get this:
<option value="Field_1">Field_2</option>
I'm trying with different loop ways, but I still am getting 2 columns combined inside my value.
Like this:
<option value="Field_1Field_2"> </option>
This is my code - I appreciate any ideas.
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
SQL = "SELECT id_geren, Acron FROM tbl_geren"
rs.open SQL, conect
<select id="" style="width:65px">
<% do until rs.EOF %>
<option value=
<% for each x in rs.fields %>
<% Response.Write(x) %>
<% next
rs.MoveNext %>
<% loop
I expect the output like this:
<option value="id_geren">Acron</option>
but the actual output is:
<option value="id_gerenAcron"></option>
You don't need to iterate over the individual fields as they can be accessed independently;
<% do until rs.EOF %>
<option value=“<%= rs(“id_geren”) %>”><%= rs(“Acron”) %>”></option>
<% rs.MoveNext %>
<% loop