Non-abundant sums
A number n is called abundant if the sum of its proper divisors exceeds n. Find the sum of all the positive integers which cannot be written as the sum of two abundant numbers.
I have tried several things and optimized my code as much as I could with my limited knowledge of coding. A few days ago I started learning how to code, and I found this page, (project euler), I deviated a little from learning and just started to code to try and solve the problems. So far I've managed to solve most of the easiest problems without taking a long time, but this one is taking too long in comparison. Sorry if my code isn't understandable.
sum_abundant = []
for i in abundant:
for n in abundant:
c = i + n
if n > i:
if c < 28123:
if c not in sum_abundant: # if the number has already been removed, it won't remove it again.
("abundant" is a list with all the abundant numbers.) It isn't the whole code, just the part where I believe it takes most of the time.
One approach that you could take is to decompose the problem into intermediate steps:
here's an example:
# Create a list of proper divisora for all numbers up to 28123...
properDivs = [ [] for _ in range(28124) ]
for n in range(1,28124):
for i in range(2*n,28124,n):
# Select the numbers that are abundant (sum of divisors > number itself)...
abundants = [n for n,divs in enumerate(properDivs) if sum(divs)>n]
# Find all pairs of abundant numbers and flag their sums
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
sumOf2Abundants = [False for _ in range(28124)]
for a,b in combinations_with_replacement(abundants,2):
if a+b<len(sumOf2Abundants):
sumOf2Abundants[a+b] = True
# Select numbers that were not flagged...
result = [n for n,isSumOf2 in enumerate(sumOf2Abundants) if not isSumOf2]
# compute and print the sum of the above result