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How to change output file name/directory of Sweave/Knitr?

I have been tasked with running R and Knitr on an AWS Lambda (serverless computing) but since the folder structure of a Lambda is different, I'm having some issue with it.

This is have what I have so far (Lambda automatically calls my_function):


my_function <- function() {

The error i'm getting is :

  "errorMessage": "Error in file(file, ifelse(append, \"a\", \"w\")): cannot open the connection\n",
  "errorType": "simpleError"

I'm almost certain it is related to how/where it is trying to output the file, I don't think there's anything wrong with the .Rnw file since it reaches 100% :

processing file: ./test.Rnw

  |                                                                 |   0%
  |.................................................................| 100%
   inline R code fragments

My question is, how can I change the output of Knitr, ideally also be able to check where it is trying to create the file? Or maybe just more info about the error.

Worth noting I'm a Python developer and have 0 knowledge of R/Knitr/Sweave/Latex/R-Markdown, all I'm trying it to get a Proof of Concept working.


  • The library tries to open the file in the 'w' mode, while in the Lambda container the only writable file system partition is /tmp. Please try to copy your file there first and then open.