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How to calculate pow(2,n) when n exceeds 64 in c++?

So, I am new to programming in c++ and i came across this question where i need to calculate pow(2,n)/2 where n>64 ?

i tried using unsigned long long int but as the limit of the c++ is only 2^64. So is there any method to calculate this.


 1 < n < 10^5

The result of the expression is used in further calculation

The question is asked on online platform.So, i cant use libraries like gmp to handle large numbers.


You are given with an array A of size N. An element Ai is said to be charged if its value (Ai) is greater than or equal to Ki. Ki is the total number of subsets of array A that consist of element Ai.
Total charge value of the array is defined as summation of all charged elements present in the array mod (10^9)+7.
Your task is to output the total charge value of the given array.


  • An important detail here is that you're not being asked to compute 2n for gigantic n. Instead, you're being asked to compute 2n mod 109 + 7 for large n, and that's a different question.

    For example, let's suppose you want to compute 270 mod 109 + 1. Notice that 270 doesn't fit into a 64-bit machine word. However, 270 = 230 · 235, and 235 does fit into a 64-bit machine word. Therefore, we could do this calculation to get 270 mod 109 + 7:

    270 (mod 109 + 7)

    = 235 · 235 (mod 109 + 7)

    = (235 mod 109 + 7) · (235 mod 109 + 7) mod 109 + 7

    = (34359738368 mod 109 + 7) · (34359738368 mod 109 + 7) mod 109 + 7

    = (359738130 · 359738130) mod 109 + 7

    = 129411522175896900 mod 109 + 7

    = 270016253

    More generally, by using repeated squaring, you can compute 2n mod 109 + 7 for any value of n in a way that nicely fits into a 64-bit integer.

    Hope this helps!