I messed up an earlier question and deleted it (provided a poor example that led to incorrect solutions). Mea Culpa
Here it is again, stated more correctly. I also need to cover cases where the 2 is not the first char of the string.
I have this string:
I wish to only return the 2
Here is my regex:
It is returning 3
and I don't see what I've missed.
My python code:
import re
val = 'bobsmith2kgminus10meshcompt3kgfredrogers'
out = re.sub(r'.*(\d+?)kg.*', r'\1', val)
print(out) #prints: 3
I've also tried:
If you really want to use re.sub
then use:
This will 0 or more characters as few times as possible, expanding as needed before matching and grouping \d+
>>> import re
>>> val = 'bobsmith2kgminus10meshcompt3kgfredrogers'
>>> print ( re.sub(r'.*?(\d+)kg.*', r'\1', val) )
Otherwise, you can use this simpler regex in re.search
>>> print ( re.search(r'(\d+)kg', val).group(1) )