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Visual Studio - X11: The DISPLAY environment variable is missing

I'm developing a cross-plataform (Windows / Linux) x64 GUI application, using Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise.

In this 2019 edition we can use Visual Studio to debug both plataforms (Windows - Native) and Linux - Ubuntu (Running in a Virtual Machine).

You can see it here:

So, I followed this tutorial and I got this GUI example application running and debugging in my Ubuntu 18 VM using Visual Studio 2019 IDE. Perfect!

Now, I tried to do my custom GUI application:

To do a cross-plataform GUI, I'm using GLFW 3.3.


  1. Create a Visual Studio CMake Project

  2. Write the C++ code and CMakeLists.txt

  3. Add Both VS debug configurations (Windows x64 and Linux x64)

  4. Compile and Link (OK on both VS Windows and Linux targets)

  5. Run (Ok on both VS Windows and Linux targets)


When I run it in Windows setup, I got all ok...a GLFW window shows up...good! When I run it in Linux-debug (by Visual Studio), when the VS debuger hits glfwInit() line, I got this error:

Starting GLFW context, OpenGL 3.3

Glfw Error 65544: X11: The DISPLAY environment variable is missing

So, when I select the Linux debug configuration I got NO GUI Window in my VM.

Searching on internet, I saw that is necessary say to Visual Studio to export the DISPLAY linux enviroment variable inside the launch.vs.json file.

You can see it here:

Inside my VM Ubuntu, I got DISPLAY:0

Then, my launch.vs.json file I wrote:

"export DISPLAY=:0;${debuggerCommand}"


"export DISPLAY=:0.0;${debuggerCommand}"


IF I manually go inside my Ubuntu VM, and double-click in the compiled application, it shows up the GLFW window and all goes Ok!

My problem is:

How can I export the DISPLAY enviroment variable to the Linux VM using Visual Studio 2019 IDE to debug my application that will run inside the Virtual Box (VM).


  • Some nice guys of Microsoft C++ Team (thanks Ion, Erika and Elisabeth) help me and I found the solution.

    The problem is related with the Visual Studio automatic generated "launch.json" file.

    What "launch.json" properties I had to change:

    1- Set a "name": "helloworld". The default value is " ".

    2- Set "project": "CMakeLists.txt". The default value is " ".

    3- Set "projectTarget": "helloworld". This property is not created automatically by VS 2019.

    4- Set "cwd": "${debugInfo.defaultWorkingDirectory}". The default value is "${debugInfo.defaultRemoteDirectory}"

    5- Add "export DISPLAY=:0;" inside pipeArgs

    6- Remove the line "processId: 0". With this line, only the root user can deploy and debug on Linux.

    7- Add a new line inside pipeArgs: "--tty=${debugInfo.tty}". This line is not automatically generated when you create a CMake Project VS2019

    So pipeArgs is:

    "pipeArgs": [
              "export DISPLAY=:0;${debuggerCommand}",