I've two sensors A and B. I'm trying to combine their sensor data using Extended Kalman Filter for a productive data analysis. Since the data types are non-linear, I'm using the Extended Kalman filter. In my case, the data from sensor A is always reliable however the reliability of data from sensor B varies on time. For example, at t=0
, it's reliability is high and the reliability decreases gradually (uniformly) till t=T
. In this situation, how can I combine the sensor data for a better-optimized result? Or how can I assign a dynamic weight (t=0
to t=T
) for data from the sensor B ?
Update: I have to use the data from sensor B in the prediction phase of the EKF.
As I've already mentioned in my comments you can express the reliability of your sensors through the input variance. The variance of Sensor A will be constant whereas the variance of Sensor B increases over the time.
The filter does not care how many sensors are in the system. It just gets measurements on its input as if there is only one sensor. The important thing is the communicated variance.
Here is a short matlab example of a filter with two acceleration sensors. The state space consists of the velocity and acceleration. Sensor A is active at even and Sensor B at odd calls.
function [] = main()
dt = 0.01;
acc_ref = sin(0.3*t) + 0.5*sin(0.04*t);
accA_std = 0.05; % standard deviation for Sensor A
accB_std = 0.1 + 0.01*t; % standard deviation for Sensor B
accA = acc_ref + randn(size(t)).*accA_std;
accB = acc_ref + randn(size(t)).*accB_std;
n = numel(t);
% state matrix (velocity, acceleration)
X = zeros(2,1);
% covariance matrix
P = diag([0.1, 0.1]);
% system noise
Q = diag([1, 0.02]);
% transition matrix
F = [1, dt;
0, 1];
% observation matrix
H = [0 1];
% measurement noise
R = 0; % will be set depending on sensor A or B
% kalman filter output through the whole time
X_arr = zeros(n, 2);
% fusion
for i = 1:n
% use sensor A at even and B at odd calls
if (mod(i, 2))
y = accA(i);
R = accA_std^2; %set varaince of Sensor A as measurement noise
y = accB(i);
R = accB_std(i)^2; %set varaince of Sensor B as measurement noise
if (i == 1)
[X] = init_kalman(X, y); % initialize the state using the 1st sensor
[X, P] = prediction(X, P, Q, F);
[X, P] = update(X, P, y, R, H);
X_arr(i, :) = X;
plot(t, acc_ref, 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on;
plot(t, accA, 'LineWidth', 1);
plot(t, accB, 'LineWidth', 1);
plot(t, X_arr(:, 2), 'LineWidth', 2);
hold off;
grid on;
legend('Ground Truth', 'SensorA', 'SensorB', 'Estimation');
function [X] = init_kalman(X, y)
X(1) = 0;
X(2) = y;
function [X, P] = prediction(X, P, Q, F)
X = F*X;
P = F*P*F' + Q;
function [X, P] = update(X, P, y, R, H)
Inn = y - H*X;
S = H*P*H' + R;
K = P*H'/S;
X = X + K*Inn;
P = P - K*H*P;
The result looks like this:
If your system proceeds both sensors in each call you need to execute the update phase twice:
for i = 1:n
y1 = accA(i);
R1 = accA_std^2; %set varaince of Sensor A as measurement noise
y2 = accB(i);
R2 = accB_std(i)^2; %set varaince of Sensor B as measurement noise
if (i == 1)
[X] = init_kalman(X, y1); % initialize the state using the 1st sensor
[X, P] = prediction(X, P, Q, F);
[X, P] = update(X, P, y1, R1, H); %Update for Sensor A
[X, P] = update(X, P, y2, R2, H); %Update for Sensor B
X_arr(i, :) = X;
The result will be a little bit better, because the filter gets more information from the measurements: