Running tail -f /var/log/*
can sometimes show junk/garbage characters and trash the screen with control codes.
What's a good way to filter those out, in order to see a clean output with minimal loss of information?
, to strip out ANSI codes (those likely to trash the console).strings
, to only print actual strings, because some files in /var/log/
contains binary data.tail -f /var/log/* | sed $'s#\e[\[(][[:digit:]]*[[:print:]]##g' | strings
You can add these helper aliases to your shell profile by executing this:
cat >>~/.profile <<EOF
# ANSI codes stripping helpers
alias noansi="sed $'s#\e[\[(][[:digit:]]*[[:print:]]##g'"
alias noansistrings="noansi|strings"
. ~/.profile
Then for example, you will be able to run:
tail -f /var/log/* | noansistrings