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WHERE ... IN query with sub-query in Doctrine queryBuilder or equivalent

In my Symfony 4 project I have a User entity and a UserRepository. I'm trying to implement the equivalent of this SQL query in the QueryBuilder(Doctrine 2) or even in DQL.

SELECT * FROM user WHERE account_manager_id IN (SELECT id FROM user WHERE account_manager_id = :managerAdminId AND roles LIKE '%ROLE_MANAGER%')

Or maybe use a different syntax.

I tried different things, but couldn't figure out how to write the WHERE ... IN with the sub-query.

This is all I could come up with, which I don't like because it fires multpiple queries for something I could do with a single one:


    public function getPublishersOfManagers($managerAdminId)
        //SELECT * FROM user WHERE account_manager_id IN (SELECT id FROM user WHERE account_manager_id = :managerAdminId AND roles LIKE '%ROLE_MANAGER%')

        $managerIds = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
                    ->where('u.roles LIKE :role')
                    ->setParameter('role' , '%ROLE_MANAGER%')
                    ->andWhere('u.accountManager = :managerAdminId')
                    ->setParameter('managerAdminId' , $managerAdminId)

        $publishers = [];

        foreach ($managerIds as $id) {

            $publishers[] = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
                    ->where('u.roles LIKE :role')
                    ->setParameter('role' , '%ROLE_PUBLISHER%')
                    ->andWhere('u.accountManager = :managerAdminId')
                    ->setParameter('managerAdminId' , $id)

        return $publishers;


  • your query can be turned into something without a sub-query, but with a join instead, which should be equivalent (and should have the same runtime/complexity)

    SELECT u 
    FROM user u 
    LEFT JOIN user am ON ( 
    WHERE am.roles LIKE '%ROLE_MANAGER%' 
      AND am.accountManager=:managerAdminId
      AND u.roles LIKE '%ROLE_PUBLISHER%'

    which can be translated into querybuilder accordingly (I have to assume, that you did not define your associations ... which I find disturbing, but you probably have your reasons):

    return $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
      ->leftJoin('App\Entity\User', 'am', 'WITH', '')
      ->andWhere('am.roles LIKE :role')
      ->setParameter('role', '%ROLE_MANAGER%')
      ->andWhere('am.accountManager = :managerAdminId')
      ->setParameter('managerAdminId', $managerAdminId)
      ->andWhere('u.roles LIKE :role2')
      ->setParameter('role2', '%ROLE_PUBLISHER%')

    there is also the options of actually using sub-queries, but using sub-queries imho is always inconvenient - and ugly.

    (you might have a look into writing just plain DQL queries, you might feel more at home ...?)