I have not understood how the Strapi email plugin works.:(
If I only use Strapi-Sendmail, how do I send a mail from Localhost over port 25 so that I can test locally if my Strapi sends mail?
Why does the recipient("to") have to be "admin@strapi.io"? I can enter any sender, if I use PHP. A little introduction would be helpful!
Setting on "Public" just for test:
In "Email.js":
Tested via Postman:
I read this article, unfortunately I have not completely understood yet. Send mails
It sounds that Strapi default sendmail provider doesn't work locally.
You should create an account on http://sendgrid.com, generate an API key and install npm library on your server : npm i strapi-provider-email-sendgrid
At last you choose sendgrid provider in Strapi, enter your API key and enjoy !