2019-08-01 06:04:43,263 | ERROR | Could not accept connection : org.apache.activemq.transport.tcp.ExceededMaximumConnectionsException: Exceeded the maximum number of allowed client connections. See the 'maximumConnections' property on the TCP transport configuration URI in the ActiveMQ configuration file (e.g., activemq.xml) | org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnector | ActiveMQ Transport Server Thread Handler: nio+ssl://b-e13f27f2-1fa3-419f-819c-a24277e973a8-2.mq.us-west-2.amazonaws.com:61617?maximumConnections=100&wireFormat.maxFrameSize=104857600
Getting above exception on amazonMQ, earlier we were using activeMQ where we were setting something like
<!-- DOS protection, limit concurrent connections to 1000 and frame size to 100MB -->
<transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://"/>
In amazonMQ we are unable to find such options and broker is throwing exception. We did checked transportConnector on amazonMQ supports :
Any idea how can we increase size of maximum connections?
As listed here that limit can be changed per AWS account.
You will need to open up an AWS support ticket requesting a limit increase