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how to increase AmazonMQ maximum connections

2019-08-01 06:04:43,263 | ERROR | Could not accept connection : org.apache.activemq.transport.tcp.ExceededMaximumConnectionsException: Exceeded the maximum number of allowed client connections. See the 'maximumConnections' property on the TCP transport configuration URI in the ActiveMQ configuration file (e.g., activemq.xml) | | ActiveMQ Transport Server Thread Handler: nio+ssl://

Getting above exception on amazonMQ, earlier we were using activeMQ where we were setting something like

        <!-- DOS protection, limit concurrent connections to 1000 and frame size to 100MB -->
        <transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://;wireformat.maxFrameSize=104857600"/>

In amazonMQ we are unable to find such options and broker is throwing exception. We did checked transportConnector on amazonMQ supports :

  1. name
  2. updateClusterClients
  3. rebalanceClusterClients
  4. updateClusterClientsOnRemove

Any idea how can we increase size of maximum connections?


  • As listed here that limit can be changed per AWS account.

    You will need to open up an AWS support ticket requesting a limit increase