I am working on a project using AWS serverless express to get messages from IRC channels. I used node.js(v10) and node-irc package.
It works in this way: I POST the channel name to the backend, it will join the IRC channel and do sth. Here is some of my code:
router.post('/message', function(req, res) {
var channel_name = req.body.channel_name
var channel_id = req.body.channel_id;
var irc = require('irc')
, logger = function logger() {
, instance
var channelTag = '#' + channel_name;
process.on('unhandledRejection', logger);
process.on('uncaughtException', logger);
try {
instance = new irc.Client('irc.server.name', 'username', {
userName: 'username'
, realName: 'realname'
, password: 'pwd'
, channels:[channelTag]
, port: 6667
, autoRejoin: true
, autoConnect: false
, secure: false
, selfSigned: false
, certExpired: false
, stripColors: true
, encoding: 'UTF-8'
, debug: true
.addListener('message', function (from, to, message) {
console.log('log: ', message)
catch (ex) {
console.log('mark', channel_name)
When I ran it on my own laptop (npm start
), it works pretty well. It will console log IRC messages.
But when I use SAM (AWS Serverless Application Model) and run sam local start-api
to test it locally, it may only run the code for 1 second and can't keep listening to the channel.
Fetching lambci/lambda:nodejs8.10 Docker container image......
2019-07-28 10:58:53 Mounting /Users/apple/Public/basic-starter-2 as /var/task:ro,delegated inside runtime container
START RequestId: dba68ff9-9cc8-194d-8aaf-8cf60770eb8c Version: $LATEST
2019-07-28T17:58:58.249Z dba68ff9-9cc8-194d-8aaf-8cf60770eb8c { channel_id: '181866881', channel_name: 'sae_jin' }
2019-07-28T17:58:58.388Z dba68ff9-9cc8-194d-8aaf-8cf60770eb8c instance
2019-07-28T17:58:58.393Z dba68ff9-9cc8-194d-8aaf-8cf60770eb8c 28 Jul 17:58:58 - SEND: #sae_jin lol
2019-07-28T17:58:58.394Z dba68ff9-9cc8-194d-8aaf-8cf60770eb8c mark sae_jin
END RequestId: dba68ff9-9cc8-194d-8aaf-8cf60770eb8c
REPORT RequestId: dba68ff9-9cc8-194d-8aaf-8cf60770eb8c Duration: 3632.46 ms Billed Duration: 3700 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB Max Memory Used: 58 MB
2019-07-28 10:58:58 - - [28/Jul/2019 10:58:58] "POST /scrape HTTP/1.1" 200 -
I was wondering whether it is because AWS serverless app is not able to do it. If it is the reason, are there any other options? Do I need to use EC2 instead?
You should not use Serverless for tasks that require continuous running. It is not designed for that kind of use cases, and there are multiple practical reasons for why it is a bad idea:
The practical reason why your code only runs for a short while is that when the function returns the response, code execution is suspended. You cannot have a running "background" Lambda function.
An EC2 instance is the baseline solution, but a more modern solution utilizing containers without the need of provisioining your own servers would be AWS Fargate