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How to setup Magento2 with MAMP PRO and nginx?

Does anybody suceeded on setup Magento2 and MAMP's nginx? I'm using MAMP PRO 4.1.1 and didn't realize how MAMP works with the rewrites and rules we config for each site, or if there's a way to debug and see the final used nginx config.

enter image description here

I would appreciate if anybody shares the config for Magento2 on this screen.

Thank you.


  • It's been 2 years since I posted the question, and some of the answers here helped to figure out how to configure Nginx + Magento 2 + Mamp Pro.

    Here is my final configuration that worked with Magento 2.3.0 with SSL on local.

    hosts config

    attention to the general config

    Under the Nginx tab, I've added:

    • Directory index: index.php
    • try files: $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args
    • Custom: empty
    • Additional parameters for directive:
      • Note on line 27 I've added the current magento folder

    Under nginx config:

    MAMP Nginx config

    Under Ports:


    Final Result:

    Luma home page with nginx and mamp

    Final thoughts

    I don't know which of these configurations are really necessary, and which one are (maybe) incorrect. However, my M2 is now working very well on MAMP PRO 5.3.

    Next step is to make mamp support HTTP/2 and make Magento 2 even faster on local.

    A huge thank you for those who replied earlier. Your answers helped me to solve some parts of the puzzle. I'm glad to be sharing the whole solution with you now.

    If it doesn't work for you, keel an eye on MAMP Nginx log. It may bring some useful information about what's wrong.