I'm running several models and functions with the models. I need to apply values from a list to a default R function, e.g., modelFit() My idea is to run the same function to several models and compile the results after.
I'm trying to use loops and the Family of 'apply' functions in R, but with no success.
#package drc is necessary
#my data
rates <- c(.1,.1,.1,1,1,1,10,10,10,100,100,100,1000,1000,1000,.1,.1,.1,1,1,1,10,10,10,100,100,100,1000,1000,1000)
prod <- c("A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","A","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B","B")
resp <- c(.295,.32,.301,.155,.1501,.148,.05,.03,.044,.002,.001,.0015,.001,.0005,.0003,.312,.337,.299,.265,.2501,.248,.102,.103,.114,.02,.01,.015,.003,.0002,.0007)
data.test <- data.frame(rates,prod,resp) #my data frame
#my models
m1 <- drm(resp~rates, fct=LL.4(), data=data.test[data.test$prod=="A",])
m2 <- drm(resp~rates, fct=LL.4(), data=data.test[data.test$prod=="B",])
#lack of fit test
#I can get the modelFit p-values this way:
modelFit(m1)$"p value"[2]
modelFit(m2)$"p value"[2]
#I have several models. I want to create a loop to give me only the p value for each model fit. I want to use that for other information given by the summaries and function
#list of models
modelsList <- c("m1","m2")
#I can print the strings with the loop
for(i in modelsList){
My idea was to use the strings to add information for the default 'drc' function modelFit(). The result would be a list with all p values from all the results in the loop, but I'm getting the error:
Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
#Not working
for(i in modelsList){
modelFit(i)$"p value"[2]
# Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
#Trying to use lapply
#Following this logic
lapply(modelsList, function(x) print(x))
#I could not get the results
lapply(modelsList, function(x) modelFit(x)$"p value"[2])
With the results, I'd continue and I'd create a data.frame with all the models and respective p values.
good to see you, Danilo
I think you missed drm
modelsList <- c("m1","m2")
prod = c("A","B")
type = data.frame(modelsList,
#I can print the strings with the loop
for(i in modelsList){
for(i in modelsList){
model_Prod = type[modelsList == i,]$prod
drm_result<-drm(resp~rates, fct=LL.4(), data=data.test[data.test$prod==model_Prod,])
print(modelFit(drm_result)$"p value"[2])
# lapply
lapply(modelsList, function(x) {
model_Prod = type[modelsList == x,]$prod
x<-drm(resp~rates, fct=LL.4(), data=data.test[data.test$prod==model_Prod,])
modelFit(x)$"p value"[2]