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How to spawn objects in array without repeating?

I have MC's rockThrowers that are added to the stage in 3 different positions. They spawn randomly using a random generator which is working fine. The user clicks a button on the stage and the rockThrowers are added to the stage and pushed in their own array aRockThrowerArray I want to be able to check which of 3 positions they spawned on and not overlap the next rockThrowers that are added to the stage and if so then add a new one to the empty positions. I have tried different strategies mainly booleans and calling them from their own class to my main class but nothing seems to work. Here is my

rockThrowers Class:

    private function startPosition():void 
        // y position 
        this.y =  (stage.stageHeight / 2) + 200;

        //Start Speed
        nSpeed = randomNumber(5, 8);

        leftScreenSpawn = randomNumber(1, 3);

        //For Left Screen
        leftNeg =  (stage.stageWidth / 2) - 200;
        leftMiddle =  (stage.stageWidth / 2) - 150;
        leftPos =  (stage.stageWidth / 2) - 100;

        //Left Screen
        if (leftScreenSpawn == 1)
            this.x = leftNeg;
            bLeftNeg = true; // Now if the left Rock thrower is destroyed then turn back to false on main engine class
        if (leftScreenSpawn == 2)
            this.x = leftMiddle;
            bLeftMiddle = true;
        if (leftScreenSpawn == 3)
            this.x = leftPos;
            bLeftPos = true;


Now in my Main Class I have it setup like so for when the user clicks the left screen Btn:

    private function rockThrowerSpawn(e:MouseEvent):void 
        //Instantiate screens before hand
        rockThrowerSpawnScreen.x = (stage.stageWidth / 2);
        rockThrowerSpawnScreen.y = (stage.stageHeight / 2) + 200;

        rockThrowerSpawnScreen.left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, chooseSpawnSideRockThrowers);


Then the Spawn Function:

private function chooseSpawnSideRockThrowers(e:MouseEvent):void 
        if (e.currentTarget == rockThrowerSpawnScreen.left) // Spawn LEFT

            //add new rock thrower
             rockThrowers = new mcRockThrowers();
             //Add object
             //Add to Array
             //trace("LEFT SPAWN");


        //Subtract resources and update text
        nResources -= 10;

        //Remove Listeners
        rockThrowerSpawnScreen.left.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, chooseSpawnSideRockThrowers);

I understand that this alone will always spawn random positions I deleted everything that wasn't working now I'm back to this square one. Any ideas on how I can accomplish this? All support is appreciate.


  • Easy. You need a finite Array that produces 3 values in a random order.

    var L:Array =
        (stage.stageWidth / 2) - 200,
        (stage.stageWidth / 2) - 150,
        (stage.stageWidth / 2) - 100,
    function fetchPosition():Number
        // Get a random index based on the current length of L.
        var anIndex:int = Math.random() * L.length;
        // Record the result.
        var result:Number = L[anIndex];
        // Remove the result from the list.
        L.splice(anIndex, 1);
        return result;

    So, you can validly call fetchPosition() three times per application run, and each run the contents of L will be fetched in random order and, more importantly, you won't get the same value twice, because the fetched value is removed from the data set.