I'm programming a music player app. After changing the theme color, I recreate MainAcitivity. When the recovery is finished, my player continues playing the last track played.
My app uses the MediaBrowserService. After my app is available for the user again, the Pause/Play button should be set to Pause and further actions - as media style notification - should be set.
I think, the player continues playing due to the bundle objects savedInstanceState - but I don't set any object there.
Where is the correct place to set and put the state to show notification bar after recreation.
I implemented the MediaBrowserServicewith this manual. https://www.sitepoint.com/a-step-by-step-guide-to-building-an-android-audio-player-app/
Thank you for your help.
Solved by setting start of Service onStart() Methode like ->
Intent intent = new Intent(getmContext(),BackgroundAudioService.class); startService(intent);