Is there any way to obtain the Area, Energy Consumption or time delay of a mapped circuit using YOSYS?
This is my synthesis script:
read_verilog UBBKA_15_0_15_0.v
hierarchy -top UBBKA_15_0_15_0
prep; flatten; synth
clean -purge
dfflibmap -liberty NanGate15nm.lib
abc -liberty NanGate15nm.lib
clean -purge
write_verilog -noattr -noexpr netlits.v
You can use stat
or stat -lib
(with a liberty file) for area/gate usage information.
When given a delay target with -D
, abc
will print some delay information about the mapping (at a minimum, whether it was able to meet that target).
I am not aware of a way to do power analysis with Yosys at present.