I started teaching myself .net-core and Avalonia UI.
I started the Avalonia UI Tutorial and it worked as expected. http://www.avaloniaui.net/docs/tutorial/creating-model-viewmodel
But as it is most time, you can copy the code from the tutorial and it works, but you didn't understand it ...
Now I thought, ok change the "fake database" to a real database. So I started including Microsoft.EmtityFrameworkCore. The database exist, is included and it compiles and runs.
namespace Decksumme.Models
public class ParticipantsContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Participant> Participants { get; set; }
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.UseSqlite("Data Source=decksumme.db");
I updated the ListViewModel
namespace Decksumme.ViewModels
public class DecksummeListViewModel : ViewModelBase
public DecksummeListViewModel(DbSet<Participant> participants)
Participants = new ObservableCollection<DbSet<Participant>>();
public ObservableCollection<DbSet<Participant>> Participants { get; }
The edit view model was anhanced to and compiles without error
namespace Decksumme.ViewModels
class EditParticipantViewModel : ViewModelBase
string forename;
string name;
string discipline;
public EditParticipantViewModel()
var okEnabled = this.WhenAnyValue(
x => x.forename,
x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)
Ok = ReactiveCommand.Create(
() => new Participant
Forename = Forename,
Name = Name,
Discipline = Discipline,
Cancel = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { });
public string Forename {
get => forename;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref forename, value);
public string Name {
get => name;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref name, value);
public string Discipline {
get => discipline;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref discipline, value);
public string Results { get; set; }
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Participant> Ok { get; }
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> Cancel { get; }
Now the point I'm lost right now, the MainWondowViewModel.
namespace Decksumme.ViewModels
public class MainWindowViewModel : ViewModelBase
ViewModelBase content;
public MainWindowViewModel(ParticipantsContext db)
Content = List = new DecksummeListViewModel(db.Participants);
public ViewModelBase Content
get => content;
private set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref content, value);
public DecksummeListViewModel List { get; }
public void AddParticipant()
var vm = new EditParticipantViewModel();
vm.Cancel.Select(_ => (Participant)null))
.Subscribe(model =>
if(model != null)
Content = List;
Content = vm;
At the AddParticipant method. List.Participant.add(model); gets me the error
ViewModels\MainWindowViewModel.cs(39,47): error CS1503: Argument "1": Konvertierung von "Decksumme.Models.Participant" in "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbSet<Decksumme.Models.Participant>" nicht möglich.
Now the question where the lack of knowledge is. Did I understand the Observable wrong? Did I used the db wrong? Or do I have to make a conversion at some point?
OMG, @kekekeks was right. This is the solution for the build error.
namespace Decksumme.ViewModels
public class DecksummeListViewModel : ViewModelBase
public DecksummeListViewModel(DbSet<Participant> participants)
Participants = new ObservableCollection<Participant>(participants);
public ObservableCollection<Participant> Participants { get; }
Need to be tested.