Im using the laravel maatwebsite package to export an excel sheet. One column contains euro currency, so im trying to make a currency column for the data.
my code for the columns:
'G' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_NUMBER_00,
'H' => "[$EUR ]#,##0.00_-",
'I' => \PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_CURRENCY_EUR_SIMPLE,
with no luck, when for example 5 (without any decimals) is inserted in one of these columns the data looks like 5 instead of € 5.00
How is the formating set in the correct way?
You can add data-format
attribute to<td>
<td data-format="$#,##0_-">Price</td>
<td data-format="0.00">Price</td>
<td data-format="0%">Percentage</td>
<td data-format="dd/mm/yy">Date</td>
<td data-format="h:mm:ss AM/PM">Date/Time</td>