I need to get the meeting's owner name from the CalendarProvider. I've found these two rows:
But they return only creator's email.
How can I fetch the creator's name?
After you quired all needed events, when you are in Cursor loop, for every event you can get a name by this method:
private String getOrganizerNameFromAttendees(int eventId, String organizerMail) {
Logger.e(TAG, "getOrganizerNameFromAttendees");
final String[] args = new String[]{String.valueOf(eventId), organizerMail};
final Cursor cursor = mApplicationContext.getContentResolver().query(CalendarContract.Attendees.CONTENT_URI, ATTENDEE_PROJECTION, ATTENDEE_SELECTION, args, null);
String name = null;
try {
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
String nameFromAttendees = cursor.getString(ATTENDEE_PROJECTION_NAME_INDEX);
String mailFromAttendees = cursor.getString(ATTENDEE_PROJECTION_MAIL_INDEX);
name = TextUtils.isEmpty(nameFromAttendees) ? mailFromAttendees : nameFromAttendees;
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.e(TAG, "getOrganizerNameFromAttendees, exception = " + e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (cursor != null) {
return name;