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How to upload an image on dropbox using its API V2 (in python)?

I need to create a pipeline that would take an image from the dropbox, process it and upload it back (could be a different folder). The first two steps are easy, but there doesn't seem to be a way to upload the image to dropbox with the newer API V2. I have tried uploading a local image - read from computer and save it to dropbox, no success. The problem seems to be the format of the file, I get the following error:

expected request_binary as binary type

There are many examples for the text files and it works pretty well, while for the images the same solutions fail

import dropbox
from PIL import Image

dbx = dropbox.Dropbox('access_token') # Connecting to the account
metadata,file=dbx.files_download('/PATH_TO_IMAGE') # Getting the image from DropBox # Getting the image to process

dbx.files_upload(im, '/PATH', mode=WriteMode('overwrite'))

Also tried:


Python3, dropbox SDK 9.4.0 actually I have tried putting the file in various formats, so instead of im there was also, np.array(im.getdata()).encode(), io.BytesIO(), local image from my computer but nothing works. And I do not understand how to transform the image data to 'request_binary as binary type'.

So what is needed, as I understand is a way to transform any file to 'request_binary'

TypeError: expected request_binary as binary type, got <class --SMTH ELSE-->


  • Thanks to Greg I have found a solution, a bit easier than the one written in the example

    import dropbox
    from PIL import Image
    import numpy as np
    import io
    def load_image(filepath: str) -> bytes:
        image =  # any image
        l = np.array(image.getdata())
        # To transform an array into image using PIL:
        channels = l.size // (image.height * image.width)
        l = l.reshape(image.height, image.width, channels).astype(
        )  # unit8 is necessary to convert
        im = Image.fromarray(l).convert("RGB")
        # to transform the image into bytes:
        with io.BytesIO() as output:
  , format="PNG")
            contents = output.getvalue()
        return contents
    contents = load_image("1.png")
    dbx = dropbox.Dropbox("access_token")  # Connecting to the account
        contents, "/FOLDER/IMAGE.png", dropbox.files.WriteMode.add, mute=True