I'm trying to filter the rows in my sheet based on background color.
I used the following code to write a function that displays the hex code of the background color of the rows selected in a helper column and then filtered by these values.
function getHex(input) {
return SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getRange(input).getBackgrounds();}
However, I find this to be a point in time thing. If I change the background color of a row, the hex code in the helper column does not change automatically. Thus, when I filter it, the wrong rows are displayed. Any ideas on how to move forward?
You can use triggers for automatically running the the script, unfortunately there is no way to do this by changing color of cell, as the cell does not fire a changed event when the color changes, only when the content does.
Look for google sheet triggers, onEdit() or onChange().
The only working way is to set an onEdit() or onChange() event and edit a single cell value anywhere after changing the color.
Example Steps :
Change the desired cell background color or multiple cell color.
Edit a cell value - better to add some random number on empty/unused cell
and delete it.
Example of onChange() :
function onChangeColor(event)
if (event.changeType == "EDIT")
//your code.