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Inherit Base Class Error Does Not Contain Constructor that takes 0 arguements

I am trying to inherit a base class into one of my classes so I can use it's protected functions. The base class is built in VB which is a reference in the project and is as follows:

Public MustInherit Class RequestLifetimeCacheBase

Private ReadOnly _requestContext As HttpContextBase

Public Sub New(requestContext As HttpContextBase)
    Me._requestContext = requestContext
End Sub

Public Sub New(controller As Controller)
End Sub

Protected Function GetCachedValue(Of TValue As Structure)(cacheKey As String) As TValue?
    Dim value = Me._requestContext.Items(cacheKey)
    If TypeOf value Is TValue Then
        Return DirectCast(value, TValue)
        Return Nothing
    End If
End Function

Protected Sub SetCachedValue(Of TValue As Structure)(cacheKey As String, value As TValue?)
    If value.HasValue Then
        Me._requestContext.Items(cacheKey) = value.Value
    End If
End Sub

Protected Function GetCachedObject(Of TObject As Class)(cacheKey As String) As TObject
    Return TryCast(Me._requestContext.Items(cacheKey), TObject)
End Function

Protected Sub SetCachedObject(Of TObject As Class)(cacheKey As String, value As TObject)
    If value IsNot Nothing Then
        Me._requestContext.Items(cacheKey) = value
    End If
End Sub

End Class

The old way in VB is being created like this:

 Dim cache = New RequestLifetimeCache(Me)
        Dim cachedDatabase = cache.CustomerDatabase
        If cachedDatabase IsNot Nothing Then
            Return cachedDatabase
        End If

I am creating a new instance of it like this in C#:

 public WebsiteDatabaseContext customerDB
            RequestLifetimeCache cache = new RequestLifetimeCache();
            var cachedDB = cache.CustomerDatabase;

            return cachedDB;


My class code is as follows in C#:

 public class RequestLifetimeCache : RequestLifetimeCacheBase

    public RequestLifetimeCache()


    public WebsiteDatabaseContext CustomerDatabase
            return base.GetCachedObject<WebsiteDatabaseContext>("Customer database");



But I am getting the error 'RequestLifetimeCacheBase' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments on the following line:

    public RequestLifetimeCache()

What am I doing wrong? Am I missing passing an HttpContext/Controller argument or something?

The VB is on the .NET Framework and I am working on .NET Core


  • I have had to rewrite the VB Base class in C# as a temporary measure:

     public abstract class RequestLifetimeCacheBase
        private readonly HttpContext _requestContext;
        protected RequestLifetimeCacheBase(HttpContext requestContext)
            _requestContext = requestContext;
        protected RequestLifetimeCacheBase(Controller controller)
            : this(controller.HttpContext)
        #region Generic access to cached value-type data
        protected TValue? GetCachedValue<TValue>(string cacheKey)
            where TValue : struct
            var value = _requestContext.Items[cacheKey];
            if (value is TValue)
                return (TValue)value;
                return null;
        protected void SetCachedValue<TValue>(string cacheKey, TValue? value)
            where TValue : struct
            if (value.HasValue)
                _requestContext.Items[cacheKey] = value.Value;
        #region Generic access to cached reference-type data
        protected TObject GetCachedObject<TObject>(string cacheKey)
            where TObject : class
            return _requestContext.Items[cacheKey] as TObject;
        protected void SetCachedObject<TObject>(string cacheKey, TObject value)
            where TObject : class
            if (value != null)
                _requestContext.Items[cacheKey] = value;