I've attached a function can be called from multiple viewModels, I'm trying to store each "restaurant" to the DB in a central function before returning this observable to a viewModel.
I'm new to rxandroid and I'm wondering if there is a way to perform a non-transformative and non-consuming action on each item before the final onNext() in subscribe().
(Something like doOnEach() below):
fun getData() : CompositeDisposable {
return apiProvider!!.loadRestaurants()
.flatMap { response : RestaurantOuterResponse? -> Observable.fromArray(
.doOnEach() { restaurant : Restaurant ->
Two Solutions I've found so far was to:
None of these are great solutions, is what I suggested in the right direction? Or is there a better way?
You want doOnNext
. (You were very close with "doOnEach
is for side-effects within the stream and does not consume the item.
See this question for more details about doOnNext