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'Could not load type 'System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices' from assembly 'mscorlib in Ninject

I have a problem as stated at the title. I am using Ninject as a Dependency Injection and my Service Locator as below:

internal class ServiceLocator
    private static readonly IServiceLocator _serviceLocator;

    static ServiceLocator()
        _serviceLocator = new DefaultServiceLocator();

    public static IServiceLocator Current
            return _serviceLocator;

    private class DefaultServiceLocator : IServiceLocator
        private readonly IKernel kernel;  // Ninject kernel

        public DefaultServiceLocator()
            kernel = new StandardKernel();

        public T Get<T>()

                return kernel.Get<T>();
            catch (Exception hata)
                throw hata;


        private void LoadBindings()
            kernel.Bind<IErrorDal>().To<ErrorDal>().InSingletonScope().WithConstructorArgument("connectionString", "myConnectionString");



I have used ServiceLocator in my class ErrorService class as below:

public class ErrorService : IErrorService

    private readonly IErrorBusinessRule _errorBusinessRule;

    private readonly IApplicationBusinessRule _applicationBusinessRule;

    private readonly ControlService _controlService;        

    public ErrorService()
        //I am getting the error here.
        this._errorBusinessRule = ServiceLocator.Current.Get<IErrorBusinessRule>();
        this._controlService = ServiceLocator.Current.Get<ControlService>();
        this._uygulamaIsKurali = ServiceLocator.Current.Get<IApplicationBusinessRule>();



I have got the System.TypeLoadException at the line

this._errorBusinessRule = ServiceLocator.Current.Get();

'Could not load type 'System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices' from assembly 'mscorlib,


  • After investigation, I have pointed out that my test project type was MsTest Test Project. (.Net Core) When I choose unit test project (.NET Framework) the problem has solved.