I have a continuos WebJob using the ServiceBusTrigger. I also set a timeout of 10 minutes. If the function finishes before, it sends a response to another queue.
But in case of a timeout, it just exits. Is it possible to run some code when timeout is reached? Like a callback function. So I can send a proper message that the process timed out.
public static async Task ProcessPreflightQueueMessage([ServiceBusTrigger("%preflightQueue%")] string message, CancellationToken token, ILogger logger)
{ ... }
Yes you could, while the function timeout, it will throw TaskCanceledException
, you could catch it and do your stuff.
Here is my test.
public class Functions
public static async Task TimeoutJob(
[QueueTrigger("myqueue")] string message,
CancellationToken token,
TextWriter log)
await log.WriteLineAsync(message);
log.WriteLine($"-- [{DateTime.Now.ToString()}] Processing Begin --");
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), token);
log.WriteLine($"-- [{DateTime.Now.ToString()}] Complete Time-consuming jobs --");
catch (TaskCanceledException)
log.WriteLine($"-- [{DateTime.Now.ToString()}] Processing End -- ");