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Voice navigation not working after MSDKUI 2.1.1 Update when adding GuidanceManeuverMonitor

I have updated my MSDKUI project from 2.0.0 to 2.1.1 and have made some changes make the navigation work. My project is based on "GuideMeToHERE". The updated podfile is: target 'GuideMeToHERE' do platform :ios, '12.0' pod 'HEREMapsUI', '2.1.1' end

Voice Guidance stops working when I set up the GuidanceManeuverMonitor.

This is my function setUpGuidanceViews(route: NMARoute)

    private func setUpGuidanceViews(route: NMARoute) {

        NMANavigationManager.sharedInstance().delegate = self

        //*** If I comment these three lines out the voice guidance works!
        maneuverMonitor = GuidanceManeuverMonitor(route: route)
        maneuverMonitor.delegate = self

What can I do to have the maneuver monitor working and have voice guidance?


  • I fixed it by changing one of the delegates to be more specific:

        //NMANavigationManager.sharedInstance().delegate = self
        NavigationManagerDelegateDispatcher.shared.add(delegate: self)