I got the demo example from grand-stack and was able to start up graphql, start up the Neo4J sandbox and populate the test database using
npm run seedDb
However, when I try to write my own data entries to populate into a neo4j database, I cannot get the relation between nodes to work at all. The error message is the most non-useful message (and I believe it is from the apollo client, and is a status code 400 error). I simplified the code to the most simplest case to make it work, and it still does not. Here is the schema.graphql file:
type Patient {
id: ID!
name: String
reviews: [Review] @relation(name:"WROTE", direction:"OUT")
type Review {
id: ID!
stars: Int
text: String
date: Date
user: Patient @relation(name: "WROTE", direction: "IN")
and here is the seed-mutation.js file:
export default /* GraphQL */ `
mutation {
p1: CreatePatient(
id: "p1",
name: "John Doe 1"
) {
r1: CreateReview(id: "r1", stars: 4, text: "Great IPA selection!", date: { formatted: "2016-01-03"}) {
ar1: AddUserReviews(from: { id: "p1"}, to: { id: "r1" }) { from {id}}
When I do "npm run seedDb", this yields the error message:
{ Error: Network error: Response not successful: Received status code 400
at new ApolloError (/Users/xxxx/Downloads/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.esm.js:60:28)
at Object.error (/Users/xxxx/Downloads/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.esm.js:1032:48)
at notifySubscription (/Users/xxxx/Downloads/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:134:18)
at onNotify (/Users/xxxx/Downloads/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:165:3)
at SubscriptionObserver.error (/Users/xxxx/Downloads/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:224:7)
at /Users/xxxx/Downloads/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-link-http/src/httpLink.ts:184:20
at <anonymous>
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:228:7)
graphQLErrors: [],
{ ServerError: Response not successful: Received status code 400
at Object.exports.throwServerError (/Users/xxxx/Downloads/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-link-http-common/src/index.ts:114:17)
at /Users/xxxx/Downloads/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-link-http-common/src/index.ts:145:11
at <anonymous>
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:228:7)
name: 'ServerError',
Response {
size: 0,
timeout: 0,
[Symbol(Body internals)]: [Object],
[Symbol(Response internals)]: [Object] },
statusCode: 400,
result: { errors: [Array] } },
message: 'Network error: Response not successful: Received status code 400',
extraInfo: undefined }
I started with multiple complex codes and this is pretty much the most stripped down version. When I run the seedDB command after the seed-mutation.js file was modified to:
export default /* GraphQL */ `
mutation {
p1: CreatePatient(
id: "p1",
name: "John Doe 1"
) {
r1: CreateReview(id: "r1", stars: 4, text: "Great IPA selection!", date: { formatted: "2016-01-03"}) {
the database gets populated, however the two nodes are not connected to each other, as expected (basically, this is the code with the AddUserReviews removed). How do I build the relation between the nodes through using graphql and seedDb? What am I missing?
You can use GraphQL Playground to inspect the GraphQL API (in the "Docs" tab):
to ensure the mutations you are calling have the correct name and arguments. From inspecting the schema, it looks like instead of AddUserReviews
, you want AddPatientReviews