I basically want to do this:
new { controller = "PassThrough", action = "PassThroughToApi" });
and the controller I am directing the request to has:
public ContentResult PassThroughToApi(string url = null)
However, I want to be able at the same time to constraint the URL. Such as:
new { controller = "PassThrough", action = "PassThroughToApi" });
But I still want the Controller to get the requested URL as a variable and I don't care about getting the actual parameters, as long as the URL matches the pattern. Or should I just get the requested URL from another place, like a context, instead of being passed to it as a parameter?
You can create custom route constraint
public class ApiRedirectingConstraint : IRouteConstraint
private string _matchUrl;
public ApiRedirectingConstraint(string matchUrl)
_matchUrl = matchUrl;
public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
string url = (string)values["url"];
bool isMatch = true;
//check url for specific match with _matchUrl
return isMatch;
and assign it to the Pass-through
new { controller = "PassThrough", action = "PassThroughToApi" },
new { apiRedirect = new ApiRedirectingConstraint("/api/v1/some/specific/address/{whatever}/{parameters}") }