In Angular7 I would like to create a util class like this:
export class FieldNameUtils {
static toHump(name: string) {
return name.replace(/_(\w)/g, function (all, letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
static toLine(name: string) {
return name.replace('/([A-Z])/g', '_$1').toLowerCase();
It's working well with development mode, but when I build with production, I got error like this: Metadata collected contains an error that will be reported at runtime: Expression form not supported.
{"__symbolic":"error","message":"Expression form not supported","line":3,"character":24}
I have tried to change the /_(\w)/g
to a static variable, but still got error, I know lambda expression is not supported, so I'v already change (all, letter) => ...
to a function(all, letter){ ... }
The error shows that an expression after replace(
is not supported, but it is a RegExp
Have you tried setting up your regex as follows?
const regex = new RegExp('_(\w)', 'g');