I am new to using CodeIgniter but I do have enough understanding on mvc structure and CodeIgniter itself to do simple things like load views in the controller and auto load libraries e.c.t. But the issue I'm having is I have a header and footer view that I want to be loaded automatically every time I load a view file.
I have done some searching and a lot of suggestions are dated, or sometimes I simply don't understand the solution. I have made my header view and linked my CSS in it, and also created my footer view as well. So lets say I wanted to load the default welcome page like below:
public function index() {
I can load them manually like so:
public function index() {
But what I would like is to just load the view like normal and have my header and footer loaded with it automatically. I understand this needs to be accomplished using a custom library with a template function of some sort, but I don't know enough to just do that from scratch.
I did this and it works for me.
class MY_Loader extends CI_Loader{
public function template($content,$var=array()){
Put it in core
In your controller :
public function index(){
$content = "welcome_message";
$data = array();
$data['name'] = "Max";
$data['country'] = "USA";
Call the data in view :
<?php echo $name.' - '.$country; ?>