I have a smart component test for my NgRx implementation that looks something like this:
describe( 'Component', () => {
let store: MockStore<State>;
beforeEach( async( () => {
TestBed.configureTestingModule( {
/* ... */
providers: [
provideMockStore( { initialState: fromReducer.initialState } )
} ).compileComponents();
store = TestBed.get<Store<State>>( Store );
} ) );
it( 'should load items in #ngOnInit', () => {
store.setState( {
item: {
entities: { [item.id]: item },
otherFeature: null,
otherFeature: null,
otherFeature: null
} );
component.items$.subscribe( items =>
store.select( ItemStoreSelectors.selectItems ).subscribe( fromStore => expect( items ).toEqual( fromStore ) )
} );
I use provideMockStore
and setState
to mock my NgRx state. Everything works fine this way, but I really don't like this part of it:
store.setState( {
item: {
entities: { [item.id]: item },
otherFeature: null,
otherFeature: null,
otherFeature: null
} );
I have to add every other feature slice of my state to the setState
function. Otherwise Typescript will throw Errors.
So preferably I don't want to set the root state, but rather a specific feature slice like this:
store.setState( {
entities: { [item.id]: item },
} );
I couldn't find any documentation on how to use provideMockStore
for specific slices of the state here.
I would recommend taking a different approach here. What you should do instead is unit test your selector and component independently.
NgRx 8 allows for mock selectors. Use that in your component to verify the component's logic is correct.
Then, unit test your selector independently to verify that your selector is working as intended.
This way the tests are independent, not brittle, and truly unit tests.
Edit: The docs I linked are official, but an alternative way to mock your selectors is:
beforeEach(() => {
providers: [
selectors: [
selector: yourSelectorNameHere,
value: someMockValueHere