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Typo3 v9.5 BE login not working after fresh installation

I have installed fresh TYPO3 v9.5 in my local server. After complete installation i open the backed and then try to login with my username and password but every time i getting error. see below screenshot. enter image description here

I try to search many solution for this but not getting success. I know about Argon2i password Hashing problems for new fresh Typo3 v9 installation. So, i select another password Hashing method via INSTALL TOOL. But still i am getting same error. Sometime i clear whole cache via install tool and open the back end, but when i enter my username and password will getting same error.

Someone help please.


  • This problem is associate with Apache. In Windows case you have to include in httpd.conf next lines:

    <IfModule mpm_winnt_module>
        ThreadStackSize 8388608

    Last thing you have to take into account with installation in Windows beacuse you should configure ssl in this system, is more easy in a Unix distribution based.

    You could follow the tutorial in , the only thing is this written in german.