I have the folliwng PlaySpec:
"Service A" must {
"do the following" in {
val mockServiceA = mock[ServiceA]
val mockServiceB = mock[ServiceB]
when(mockServiceA.applyRewrite(any[ClassA])).thenReturn(resultA) // case A
// test code continuation
The definition of ServiveA
and ServiceB
class ServiceA {
def applyRewrite(instance: ClassA):ClassA = ???
class ServiceB {
def execute(instance: ClassA, limit: Option[Int] = Some(3)) = ???
Mocking ServiceA#applyRewrite
works perfectly.
Mocking ServiceB#execute
fails with the following exception:
Invalid use of argument matchers!
0 matchers expected, 1 recorded:
-> at RandomServiceSpec.$anonfun$new$12(RandomServiceSpec.scala:146)
This exception may occur if matchers are combined with raw values:
someMethod(anyObject(), "raw String");
When using matchers, all arguments have to be provided by matchers.
For example:
someMethod(anyObject(), eq("String by matcher"));
Although the instructions included in the exception seem a bit counterintuitive to me I have tried the following:
when(mockServiceB.execute(any, Some(3))).thenReturn(Future{resultB})
when(mockServiceB.execute(any[ClassA], Some(3))).thenReturn(Future{resultB})
All unfortunately to no avail. The only thing that changes is the number of expected and recorded matchers the exception refers to.
The weirdest thing for me though is that the mocking works perfectly for case A.
Use the idiomatic syntax of mockito-scala and all the stuff related to the default argument will be deal with by the framework
mockServiceB.execute(*) returns Future.sucessful(resultB)
if you add the cats integration it could reduce to just
mockServiceB.execute(*) returnsF resultB
more info here