Search code examples

Search for value in string before a certain character position. [PHP]

I am making a website that displays backup information.

The obstacle that I'm getting is that I need to get info before a certain character position.

String looks like:

Data1 => 2019-06-30-08-00-00 , 2019-07-30-08-00-00 , 2019-08-30-08-00-00 Data2 => 2019-06-30-08-30-00 , 2019-07-30-08-30-00 , 2019-08-30-08-30-00

My code for getting all search info from string.

$BackupJob_list = $BackupJob_list['Data'];
$BackupJob_list = json_encode($BackupJob_list);

$string = "$BackupJob_list"; //String where I need the info from
$needle = "2019-08-30"; //The search value
$lastPos = 0; //Starting position
$positions = array();

//Get lastPos and go again...
while (($lastPos = strpos($string, $needle, $lastPos))!== false) {
    $positions[] = $lastPos;
    $lastPos = $lastPos + strlen($needle);

//Echo every value that is found in the string.
foreach ($positions as $value) {
    echo substr($BackupJob_list, $value, 19)."<br/>";

What I'm trying to get is:


Now I'm getting




  • You can use strpos (doc) to check that as:

    $str = "2019-06-30-08-00-00,2019-07-30-08-00-00,2019-08-30-08-00-00";
    $needle = "2019-08-30";
    $arr = explode(",", $str); // convert string to array
    foreach($arr as $e) {
        if (strpos($e, $needle) === 0) echo "Found! Here: $e \n";