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Stream apps not using the buildpack provided in SCDF server environment variable (SCDF ver 2.1.2)

Recently, I upgraded from SCDF 1.7.3 to SCDF 2.1.2 for cloud foundry. Also, I am using skipper (I have to with 2.x). There are two main problems I am facing:-

  1. Buildpack given as a property in the SCDF server environment is not being used to deploy stream applications. Following is the env key that I am using:- SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_STREAM_PLATFORM_CLOUDFOUNDRY_ACCOUNTS[xxx]_DEPLOYMENT_BUILDPACK. This has no effect at all.

  2. Even though I set SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_STREAM_PLATFORM_CLOUDFOUNDRY_ACCOUNTS[xxx]_DEPLOYMENT_ENABLE_RANDOM_APP_NAME_PREFIX to false skipper still generates random prefix for these applications.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Any advice will be of great help.


  • There are no stream platform properties with the prefix SPRING_CLOUD_DATAFLOW_STREAM_PLATFORM_CLOUDFOUNDRY in Spring Cloud Data Flow as the stream deployments are managed by Spring Cloud Skipper. Hence, you need to use the Skipper properties for stream deployment-related configurations.

    The correct properties to use in this case are: