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How to design a query to give names of each related field linked to each set of data

I have a table that contains run numbers. This is then linked to a second table that contains the serial numbers of the panels that go through each run. I was wondering is it possible to design a query that will give for each run number the serial numbers.

I would like it in a table like:

Run Number1, First Serial Number for 1, Second Serial Number for 1, etc..

Run Number2, First Serial Number for 2, Second Serial Number for 2, etc..

I can get in in the form:

Run Number1, First Serial Number for 1

Run Number1, Second Serial Number for 1

Run Number2, First Serial Number for 2

Run Number2, Second Serial Number for 2

Is there a way to set this up?


  • You can use my DJoin function as this will accept SQL as the source, thus you won't need additional saved queries:

    ' Returns the joined (concatenated) values from a field of records having the same key.
    ' The joined values are stored in a collection which speeds up browsing a query or form
    ' as all joined values will be retrieved once only from the table or query.
    ' Null values and zero-length strings are ignored.
    ' If no values are found, Null is returned.
    ' The default separator of the joined values is a space.
    ' Optionally, any other separator can be specified.
    ' Syntax is held close to that of the native domain functions, DLookup, DCount, etc.
    ' Typical usage in a select query using a table (or query) as source:
    '   Select
    '       KeyField,
    '       DJoin("[ValueField]", "[Table]", "[KeyField] = " & [KeyField] & "") As Values
    '   From
    '       Table
    '   Group By
    '       KeyField
    ' The source can also be an SQL Select string:
    '   Select
    '       KeyField,
    '       DJoin("[ValueField]", "Select ValueField From SomeTable Order By SomeField", "[KeyField] = " & [KeyField] & "") As Values
    '   From
    '       Table
    '   Group By
    '       KeyField
    ' To clear the collection (cache), call DJoin with no arguments:
    '   DJoin
    ' Requires:
    '   CollectValues
    ' 2019-06-24, Cactus Data ApS, Gustav Brock
    Public Function DJoin( _
        Optional ByVal Expression As String, _
        Optional ByVal Domain As String, _
        Optional ByVal Criteria As String, _
        Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = " ") _
        As Variant
        ' Expected error codes to accept.
        Const CannotAddKey      As Long = 457
        Const CannotReadKey     As Long = 5
        ' SQL.
        Const SqlMask           As String = "Select {0} From {1} {2}"
        Const SqlLead           As String = "Select "
        Const SubMask           As String = "({0}) As T"
        Const FilterMask        As String = "Where {0}"
        Static Values   As New Collection
        Dim Records     As DAO.Recordset
        Dim Sql         As String
        Dim SqlSub      As String
        Dim Filter      As String
        Dim Result      As Variant
        On Error GoTo Err_DJoin
        If Expression = "" Then
            ' Erase the collection of keys.
            Set Values = Nothing
            Result = Null
            ' Get the values.
            ' This will fail if the current criteria hasn't been added
            ' leaving Result empty.
            Result = Values.Item(Criteria)
            If IsEmpty(Result) Then
                ' The current criteria hasn't been added to the collection.
                ' Build SQL to lookup values.
                If InStr(1, LTrim(Domain), SqlLead, vbTextCompare) = 1 Then
                    ' Domain is an SQL expression.
                    SqlSub = Replace(SubMask, "{0}", Domain)
                    ' Domain is a table or query name.
                    SqlSub = Domain
                End If
                If Trim(Criteria) <> "" Then
                    ' Build Where clause.
                    Filter = Replace(FilterMask, "{0}", Criteria)
                End If
                ' Build final SQL.
                Sql = Replace(Replace(Replace(SqlMask, "{0}", Expression), "{1}", SqlSub), "{2}", Filter)
                ' Look up the values to join.
                Set Records = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Sql, dbOpenSnapshot)
                CollectValues Records, Delimiter, Result
                ' Add the key and its joined values to the collection.
                Values.Add Result, Criteria
            End If
        End If
        ' Return the joined values (or Null if none was found).
        DJoin = Result
        Exit Function
        Select Case Err
            Case CannotAddKey
                ' Key is present, thus cannot be added again.
                Resume Next
            Case CannotReadKey
                ' Key is not present, thus cannot be read.
                Resume Next
            Case Else
                ' Some other error. Ignore.
                Resume Exit_DJoin
        End Select
    End Function
    ' To be called from DJoin.
    ' Joins the content of the first field of a recordset to one string
    ' with a space as delimiter or an optional delimiter, returned by
    ' reference in parameter Result.
    ' 2019-06-11, Cactus Data ApS, Gustav Brock
    Private Sub CollectValues( _
        ByRef Records As DAO.Recordset, _
        ByVal Delimiter As String, _
        ByRef Result As Variant)
        Dim SubRecords  As DAO.Recordset
        Dim Value       As Variant
        If Records.RecordCount > 0 Then
            While Not Records.EOF
                Value = Records.Fields(0).Value
                If Records.Fields(0).IsComplex Then
                    ' Multi-value field (or attachment field).
                    Set SubRecords = Records.Fields(0).Value
                    CollectValues SubRecords, Delimiter, Result
                ElseIf Nz(Value) = "" Then
                    ' Ignore Null values and zero-length strings.
                ElseIf IsEmpty(Result) Then
                    ' First value found.
                    Result = Value
                    ' Join subsequent values.
                    Result = Result & Delimiter & Value
                End If
            ' No records found with the current criteria.
            Result = Null
        End If
    End Sub

    Full documentation can be found in my article:

    Join (concat) values from one field from a table or query

    If you don't have an account, browse to the link: Read the full article.

    Code is also on GitHub: VBA.DJoin