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How to close multiple pages of Chrome, IE, Excel, Word, Notepad, etc before the start of any BOT in Automation Anywhere?

I need to close all the previously opened pages of Chrome, IE, Excel, etc. I now need to close of those before the starting of next BOT. How can I achieve this? Is there any built in command in Automation Anywhere through which I can do this? Or can I do with the help of Taskkill command and then create a batch file for this


  • You can achieve that using TaskKill on Open Program/File command.

    Command inputs
    Step 1: taskkill.exe
    Step 3: /F /IM [task1.exe] /IM [task2.exe] /IM [task1.exe]

    Example: /F /IM chrome.exe /IM notepad.exe /IM excel.exe

    enter image description here