I want to know the differences between the
[self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
[self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES];
I have used both but still do not know or noticed the difference. when should use one of them ?
Presenting a modal view is presenting a view on top of another view. You perform those typically for "tasks" that need to be started and completed in a self contained way. Read further on modal views on the apple developer guides.
Pushing a view on to the navigation controller is different where there is a logical need for navigation in the app. Say a drill down table as in the setting app of the iDevices, where there are main settings then you drill down to sub settings etc.
Whatever your questions are, if they are conceptual and generic as this I'd strongly advise you to google up "X programming guide" which will take you to the proper Apple programming guide :) X = view controller in your case