A JSON object like this:
{"user":"stedolan","titles":["JQ Primer", "More JQ"],"years":[2013, 2016]}
And, I want to convert it with lists(assume all lists have equal length N
) zipped and output like this:
{"user":"stedolan","title":"JQ Primer","year":2013}
{"user":"stedolan","title":"More JQ","year":2016}
I followed Object - {}
example and tried:
tmp='{"user":"stedolan","titles":["JQ Primer", "More JQ"],"years":[2013, 2016]}'
echo $tmp | jq '{user, title: .titles[], year: .years[]}'
then it output:
{"user":"stedolan","title":"JQ Primer","year":2013}
{"user":"stedolan","title":"JQ Primer","year":2016}
{"user":"stedolan","title":"More JQ","year":2013}
{"user":"stedolan","title":"More JQ","year":2016}
It produces N*N ...
lines result, instead of N
lines result.
Any suggestion is appreciated!
can be used to effectively zip the values together. And the nice thing about the way assignments work is that it can be assigned simultaneously over multiple variables.
([.titles,.years]|transpose[]) as [$title,$year] | {user,$title,$year}
If you want the results in an array rather than a stream, just wrap it all in []
For a jq 1.4 compatible version, you'll have to rewrite it to not use destructuring but you could use the same transpose/0
implementation from the builtins.
def transpose:
if . == [] then []
else . as $in
| (map(length) | max) as $max
| length as $length
| reduce range(0; $max) as $j
([]; . + [reduce range(0;$length) as $i ([]; . + [ $in[$i][$j] ] )] )
Here's an alternative implementation that I cooked up that should also be compatible. :)
def transpose2:
length as $cols
| (map(length) | max) as $rows
| [range(0;$rows) as $r | [.[range(0;$cols)][$r]]];
([.titles,.years]|transpose[]) as $p | {user,title:$p[0],year:$p[1]}