I am comparing two strings in Python. But the comparison fails to see that the values of variables firmware
and hardware
are the same as the strings "firmware"
and "hardware
gfirmware = create_string_buffer(str.encode("firmware"), 100)
ghardware = create_string_buffer(str.encode("hardware"), 100)
firmware = str(gfirmware,'utf-8')
hardware = str(ghardware,'utf-8')
print('firmware var = ' + firmware)
print('hardware var = ' + hardware)
print('firmware type = ' + str(type(firmware)))
print('hardware type = ' + str(type(hardware)))
print('"firmware" type = ' + str(type("firmware")))
print('"hardware" type = ' + str(type("hardware")))
print("Is it true? " + str(firmware != "firmware" and hardware != "hardware"))
firmware var = firmware
hardware var = hardware
firmware type = <class 'str'>
hardware type = <class 'str'>
"firmware" type = <class 'str'>
"hardware" type = <class 'str'>
Is it true? True
The values and the types of the variables and the strings are the same, as can be seen in the output.
So why does the comparison firmware != "firmware" and hardware != "hardware"
return True
, it should be returning False
I am intentionally using create_string_buffer()
because I am passing gfirmware
and ghardware
into a C function. But this issue occurs even though I am not passing the variables into a C function.
I have looked at the following and other posts, but their issues were that the programmer was using the keyword is
when they should have been using ==
Why does comparing strings using either '==' or 'is' sometimes produce a different result?
python fails to compare strings
Strange behavior when comparing unicode objects with string objects
Your gfirmware
and ghardware
objects are large character buffers. When you convert them to strings with str(gfirmware,'utf-8')
you get large strings:
>>> len(str(gfirmware, 'utf-8'))
because you still have all the padding.
You can use the value
property on the buffers before converting to a string:
>> firmware = str(gfirmware.value,'utf-8')
>> hardware = str(ghardware.value,'utf-8')
>> firmware != "firmware", hardware != "hardware"
(False, False)