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Google Apps Script withSuccessHandler is running before function fully executes

I have two files in an Apps Script project. One is a .gs file acting as a "server" and one is a .html file containing JavaScript as per Google's Apps Script guidelines.

Everything has been going swimmingly for the first 40 hours of development on this project. I have the following line of code outside of any function, in between two tags in the .html file:;


According to the documentation, getSheetData() should first execute in the .gs file, and return a value that is then passed into setSheetData which exists in the .html file.

Server file:

  function getSheetData() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  var activeSheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
  var sheetName = activeSheet.getName();
  var sheetVals = activeSheet.getDataRange().getValues();
  return [sheetName, sheetVals];

Html file:

function setSheetData(data) {
    sheetName = data[0];
    sheetData = data[1];
    headers = sheetData[0];
    document.getElementById('sheetLook').innerHTML = 'Looking at sheet: ' + sheetName;

How I know it is a matter of execution speed: Currently the alert() call just prints out null. The sheet it is drawing from contains 4 rows of data. However, all other things remaining the same, if I simply am looking at a sheet with 0-1 rows of data, it correctly alerts the entire data vals.

Inside of getSheetData() if I add Logger.log(sheetVals) it correctly logs the entire sheet's data regardless of size. The issue is that the successhandler is executing before it has time to evaluate.


  • Possible cause(s):

    • Illegal return values in rows 3-4 of data
    • No active sheet is present.


    • Avoid returning illegal values like Date objects. Or JSON.stringify() them before returning to client.
    • getSheetByName or number instead of getting it by activeness.
