i need to return my max pedcod number that have peduf = "SP".
I try:
where peduf = "SP"
Pedcod = Pedcod + 1
Tpedpro is my transaction table. But i receive:
error src0110: Missing group start brace '{' error src0115: Invalid expression after group definition; are you trying to define a subgroup?
You don't have to use a DataProvider to get that value. Just use an inline formula for example in the source of a procedure:
&MaxPedCod = max(PedCod, peduf = !"SP")
If you really want to use a DataProvider, you may write this:
Tpedpro [one]
order (pedcod)
where peduf = "SP"
Pedcod = Pedcod + 1
that would mean: get the first record where peduf = "SP"
with descending order by pedcod