Iam receiving single bytes via serial and I know, that every 4 of them are a float. F.e. I receive b'\x3c'
and b'\xff'
and I want it to be b'\x3c\xff'
What is the best way to convert it?
You can use join() as you do with strings.
byte_1 = b'\x3c'
byte_2 = b'\xff'
joined_bytes = b''.join([byte_1, byte_2]) #b'\x3c\xff'
You can use it along the struct module to obtain your decoded float, be aware it returns a tuple even if it has only one element inside.
import struct
byte_1 = b'\x3c'
byte_2 = b'\xff'
byte_3 = b'\x20'
byte_4 = b'\xff'
joined_bytes = b''.join([byte_1, byte_2, byte_3, byte_4])
result = struct.unpack('f', joined_bytes)