I try to have a button at the beginning of each line. I will use this button to open a line on a pop up windows.
I know it is not hard to do but somehow I am struggling to place the button at the beginning of a line.
To give you the context of my code. I generate my table after an SQL
query, so I don't know how many lines I will have.
Here is the code :
$result = Db::query($requete);
$texte = "<table class='table table-bordered table-sm'><thead>$table_header</thead>";
$texte .= "<tbody>";
if (!pg_num_rows($result)){
$nb_ligne = "Aucune ligne trouvée !";
$nb_ligne ="Nombre de lignes : ".pg_num_rows($result);
while($row = pg_fetch_row($result)){
$texte .= "<tr>";
foreach ($row as $value){
$texte .= "<td><button type='button' class='btn btn-primary' onclick=''></button></td><td style='word-break: keep-all'>$value</td>";
$texte .= "</tr>";
$texte .= "</tbody></table>";
$response = new Response();
$response->assign('nb_ligne', 'innerHTML', $nb_ligne);
$response->assign('tableau_resultat', 'innerHTML', $texte);
return $response;
I first create the header of my table. $table_header
contains <th>
tags and header value. Then I loop on each line of the dataset returned by my query. For each line, I create <tr>
tag and for each value I create <td>
tag. I use Jaxon
(PHP lib to do AJAX) to display my table.
I tried to put a button at the beginning but they are displayed before my table.
I get this ouput :
The buttons are the blue boxes on the left above headers. I want them to be on the left of each lines apart from header line.
I want to learn from this, so, if possible, explain to me what I'm doing wrong here, or if my approach is lacking insight.
You want the buttons only once per row - why are you creating a button for each column ?!
while($row = pg_fetch_row($result)){
$texte .= "<tr><td><button type='button' class='btn btn-primary' onclick=''></button></td>";
foreach ($row as $value){
$texte .= "<td style='word-break: keep-all'>$value</td>";
$texte .= "</tr>";
You should also put an empty cell on the left of your header.