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Add product.product fields to product.template view - Odoo v8

I'm trying to add new product.product fields to the default product.template view, problem is, that I've tried many examples, but none seems to be working.

The issue is that I do have added these fields to the product.product default view, (as an inherit view) BUT, that view is only available on sales module, the vast majority of the Odoo's product views are from product.template

Does anybody has an idea on how to achieve this on the xml view?

Is it possible at all? Being product.product the model ?


  • You should add those fields to product.template model and then they will be automatically added to product.product by the inheritance. This way you will be able to show the fields in product.template views.

    I do not know what is the exact problem that you are trying to solve but when you need to add a field to a product you should think if its value is going to be different for each variant of the product (product.product are variants and product.template are the original product). If it is going to have the same value (You want to add it to product.template view so I imagine it is going to have it) then, add it to product.template model.

    I hope it helps you.