Currently I'm working in a project which interacts with PubSub but I want it to also work with TestSupportBinderAutoConfiguration
(executing tests without going to Google to retrieve the credentials). pubsub
spring.main.web-application-type=none output-queue input-queue
By default, all the AutoConfiguration
classes related to Google are included within the exclude
property in @SpringBootApplication
However I've noticed that if the parent
properties has some of the properties that I want to override, the application classes are still instantiated with those instead of the overriden ones, meaning that I'm trying to use TestSupportBinder classes with PubSub ones.
@SpringBootTest(classes = MyProcessor.class, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE)
@TestPropertySource(properties = {
Is there any workaround for this? So that the main classes are configured with the newly overriden properties instead of gathering configs from different places in tests and main?
Effectively you're describing integration (with google) vs. unit testing (without google). Typically we separate the two. For example we have a separate integration module and also Rabbit and Kafka are themselves in the separate modules for it's own integration testing.