I have a QTableWidget that when a row is clicked, it selects all cells in that row. I am trying to add a "copy" functionality so that I can ^ctrl-c when row(s) are selected and paste into a text editor. However, with my current code, once i ^ctrl-c a row, the line that I copied keeps getting copied.
I have implemented a print statement in my method "read_clipboard" to see whether or not the line copied was read, and this is how I found out that the line keeps getting copied as if in an infinite loop.
None of the previous stack overflow questions on PyQt/Qt and QClipboard have been effective for me.
def __init__(self):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
self.my_selector = self.my_tableWidget.selectionModel()
# Where I detect the signal to call my "read_clipboard" method
def read_clipboard(self):
selection = self.my_selector.selectedIndexes()
if selection:
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
mainWin = MainWindow() # Creates MainWindow object
ret = app.exec_()
When I ^ctrl-c a row, the program prints the "selection" continuously as if it is in an infinite loop, I don't know how to stop it after it runs just once so that I can just copy that one line.
You shouldn't use the dataChanged
signal in this way for two reasons:
method; you could obviously temporarily disconnect the signal as suggested by @furas, but the first problem will remain.Also, you can't use a QItemSelectionModel for setText
, as it expects a string.
A better solution is to override the keyPressEvent of a custom QTableWidget class, to catch it's "copy" action before the default implementation acts upon it:
class MyTableWidget(QtWidgets.QTableWidget):
def keyPressEvent(self, event):
if event == QtGui.QKeySequence.Copy:
# set clipboard only if it's not a key repetition
if not event.isAutoRepeat():
QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard().setText(', '.join(i.data() for i in self.selectedIndexes() if i.data()))
super(MyTableWidget, self).keyPressEvent(event)
Another similar possibility is to install an event filter to your table and check for its key events:
class MyWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
super(MainWindow, self).__init__()
def eventFilter(self, source, event):
if source == self.table and event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress and event == QtGui.QKeySequence.Copy:
if not event.isAutoRepeat():
QtWidgets.QApplication.clipboard().setText(', '.join(i.data() for i in self.table.selectedIndexes() if i.data()))
# return True to ensure that the event is not actually propagated
# to the table widget, nor its parent(s)
return True
return super(MainWindow, self).eventFilter(source, event)